
| 辞职报告范文 |



  小花猫有一把花伞,一天,下雨了,青蛙跳跳、乌龟硬硬、小鸭黄黄和大公鸡喔喔从它门前走过。小花猫说:“跳跳,我把雨伞借给你吧!”跳跳说:“不用了,下雨天正是我捕捉害虫的好时候呢!”小花猫说:“硬硬,我把伞借给你吧!”硬硬说:“不用了,下雨有稀泥巴的地方我还可以洗澡,谢谢你!” 小花猫说:“黄黄,我把雨伞借给你吧!”黄黄说:“不用了,下雨积水积得深的"地方是我的小游泳池,我正准备去找它们呢,谢谢你!”小花猫说:“喔喔,我把花伞借个你!”喔喔说:“好呀,一道下雨,如果没有伞,我可成落汤鸡了。”


  One day, when it rained, the frog jumped, the tortoise was hard, the duckling was yellow and the rooster was crowing. The little cat said, "jump, I"ll lend you my umbrella!" the jump said, "no, it"s a good time for me to catch pests in rainy days!" the little cat said, "hard, I"ll lend you my umbrella!" the hard cat said, "no, I can take a bath in the rain where there is thin mud. Thank you!" The little flower cat said, "Huang Huang, let me lend you my umbrella." Huang Huang said, "no, the place where the rain and water are accumulated is my little swimming pool. I"m going to find them. Thank you!" the little flower cat said, "Oh, I"ll lend you my flower umbrella!" Oh, yes, it"s raining. If I don"t have an umbrella, I"ll be a drowned rat. "


  After a while, after a rainy day, beautiful rainbows hang in the sky. They are playing happy games outside together. It"s really fun.


