
| 辞职报告范文 |





  This morning, I got up early, because today, our class will have a party, and I am the host! This is the first time in my life when the host.


  Today, the weather is clear, although it is cold winter, but my heart is still like the summer sunshine, warm, happy.


  Finally, it"s school. My mood is particularly excited. I walk into the teaching building happily. I always tell myself in my heart, don"t be too excited, don"t be too excited


  When I arrived at the class, I found that the whole class had arrived, and they had brought a lot of delicious food, masks on their faces, all kinds of strange things. My good friends saw me coming, and quickly found a place for me to sit down, we chat together, eat delicious food, friends, but also encourage me, don"t be nervous, loud, I feel very comforted.


  The party began! The teacher began to address. Then, we hosted the party. At first, I was a little nervous and said "sunshine" as "breeze". I thought to myself: thanks to the students, I don"t know the original, or I will laugh off my teeth! After we finished the opening speech, most of the students prepared the program, including "irony" performed by "Wei Ziqiang" and "Sui Xinwei", and "invisible wings" performed by "Song Jiayu" ... finally, we started the "interactive link". Everyone is very happy! We are standing on the platform, throwing candy down, everyone is rushing to pick up! At this time, I found that I was not nervous at all! We hosted very smoothly! Through this hosting, I have great confidence in myself!


  Happy day!!


